


A colonoscopy is an examination of the inside oflarge intestine, which includes colon, rectum and anus. It’s a type of endoscopy, as it uses an endoscope, a flexible tube with a lighted camera on the end that’s inserted into body.

In a colonoscopy, the colonoscope passes through anus and rectum into colon. Along the way, it sends pictures of the inside of large intestine to a screen.

Procedure of Colonoscopy
  • The colonoscope is a small, lighted camera attached to the end of a catheter.
  • Your healthcare provider inserts the colonoscope through anus and slowly advances it through your colon to the end, where it meets your small intestine.
  • While advancing, the catheter pumps air into colon to inflate it. The camera transmits video of the inside of colon to a monitor.
  • Healthcare provider will check for anything abnormal. When they reach the end of colon, they’ll bring the colonoscope back, watching a second time.

Risks and Side effects of Colonoscopy

Risks and side effects are rare but possible. They include:

  • Injury to your wall of colon.
  • Uncontrolled bleeding.
  • Infection requiring antibiotics.
  • Abnormal reactions to the anaesthesia.

HIMAS Hospital is known for providing exceptional care and expertise in Colonoscopy. A colonoscopy can be diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive at HIMAS Hospital all at the same time.